DGM-I (Dedicated Grant Mechanism Indonesia)

Project site/ area of implementation
- On the first Call of DGM-I implementation, Samdhana supported 21 communities in following districts Kepulauan Mentawai, Indragiri Hulu, Rejang Lebong, Lebak, Bogor, Banyumas, Temanggung, Trenggalek, Kapuas Hulu, Melawi, Sekadau, Mamuju, Enrekang, Halmahera Tengah, Seram Bagian Barat, kepulauan Taninmbar, Ende, Sikka, Flores Timur, Sumba Tengah, Sumbawa, Sumbawa Barat,teluk Bintuni, Kutai Barat, Gunung Mas, Barito Utara, Poso, Sigi, Parigi Mautong, Jayawijaya, Jayapura
- On the second call of DGMI-I implementation, Samdhana supported 28 communities in following district: Aceh Tengah, Bener Meriah, Pasaman, Tapanuli Utara, Soralangun, Batang Hari and Merangin, Sekadau, Bengkayang, Bulunganan, Mahakam Ulu, Jember, Banyuwangi, Batang, Pekalongan, Tulungagung, Ende, Buleleng, Lombok Utara, Sumba Timur, Bulukoumba, Luwu, Sigi, Toraja Utra, Konawe Kepulauan, Seram Bagian Barat, Maluku Tengah, Kepulauan Aru, Keerom, Biak Numfor, Sorong, Raja Ampat, Jayapura,
- On the third call of DGMI-I implementation, Samdhana supported 14 communities in following district: Deli Serdang, Rejang Lebong, Kabandungan, Banyumas, Bima, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur, Malinau, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Sinjai, Kepulauan Tanimbar, Byak Numfor.
Project period
Donor Partner

Latest Project Update
Project objectives
To engage Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC), facilitate greater participation in tenure security processes and create livelihood opportunities from the sustainable management of forests and land. The project aimed to provide a strategic contribution to the lives of IPLC households and their tenure security.
To strengthen the capacity of IPLC households to obtain secure and equitable access – and control over – forest and agricultural land. This is an important step in facilitating IPLC household engagement with Forest Investment Plans (FIP) and other REDD+ programmes, since access to land is a critical requirement for IPLCs to obtain recognition from the state in Indonesia.
Project components/ target outputs
The aim of DGM-I is to support the technical, institutional and communication capacities of IPLCs, so that they can participate in REDD+ policy dialogues, while also improving their livelihoods and traditional land management. In its development, the objectives of DGM-I were stated explicitly in the original regional revenue (PAD) document, namely: “to increase the capacity of IPLCs to participate in natural resource management by securing forest tenure and increasing opportunities to earn a living from forest management”.
All activities are focused on three main components, namely:
- Strengthening capacity to improve certainty of IP/LC tenure over forest land;
- Building IP/LC capacity to improve lives/livelihoods;
- Capacity building for NSC and Project Management and monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
Implementation Partners
The partners who work together in project implementation in terms of capacity development of the partners, including: Safir Law Firm (related to paralegal training), Yayasan Bina Integrasi Edukasi (related to financial training), Transformers (related to Sustainable Livelihood Approach training), and Pannafoto Institute (related to photography training for Samdhana partners).
The partners who work together in project implementation in terms of capacity development of the partners, including: Safir Law Firm (related to paralegal training), Yayasan Bina Integrasi Edukasi (related to financial training), Transformers (related to Sustainable Livelihood Approach training), and Pannafoto Institute (related to photography training for Samdhana partners).